Bangunan dan Pemukiman di Sulawesi Tengah diterbitkan


LOBO has published an Indonesian translation of Walter Kaudern, Structures and Settlements in Central Celebes. (Bangunan dan Pemukiman di Sulawesi Tengah) (Goteborg: Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag, 1925)

This book contains detailed drawings and building plans of settlements in the mountains of Central Sulawesi in 1918. The original book was written by a Swede, translated into English and printed in 1925. This book is translated into Indonesian. The author categorizes the buildings of the Toraja people of Central Sulawesi into 3 forms, first, the temple (lobo) which includes 7 types, namely the types: Kulawi, Pipikoro, Mopahi, Lindu, Towulu, Bada-Besoa, Boku. Second, residential buildings which include 3 types, namely the Kulawi house type, the Napu-Besoa-Koro house type and the Kaili-Sigi house type. Third, the barn which includes 2 types, namely the gampiri type, and the paningku type. The author mentions that the difference between the three forms of residential buildings is caused by the structure of the lower part of the house which affects the shape of the upper building. In order to ensure that the images are available in all possible detail, in this translation a hyperlink is provided to the online photo archive of the original photographs in Sweden; and for a larger version of the floor plan.